

微宣工作室 西安外国语大学 2022-06-25



会议为期三天,以“长安万象,共事拏云”“Commitment to Diversity, Power of Youth Diplomacy”为主题,回望历史,展望未来。本次大会共设五个委员会,一个中文委员会(历史联动委员会),四个英文委员会(联合国安全理事会、国际原子能机构、世界旅游组织、世界卫生组织)。分别就“第四次中东战争”,“刚果(金)的和平过渡,非洲维和行动”,“核废料安全、可靠与可持续利用管理”,“2030年可持续发展议程下的生态旅游与气候变化”以及“传染病突发疫情的应对机制” 等议题展开讨论。来自不同高校的优秀代表们通过核心磋商、自由辩论等形式就以上议题进行深刻、全面的探讨与交流,求同存异,共同探讨议题的解决方案与解决措施。





IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency,国际原子能机构)

After the World War II and the Cold War, nuclear is not just a military threat, but more necessarily should be a peaceful technology for the shared benefit of all people on this world.

Encountering the energy pressure and potential environment problems, nuclear energy has been the option with higher priority.

We firmly believe that with the governance of IAEA and common efforts of all the countries, a better world with effective use of nuclear energy is about to come.

UNSC(United Nations Security Council,联合国安理会)

In our interconnected age, security challenges on this continent present a risk to the whole world.In this case,Improving the impact of  peacekeeping in Africa is a collective responsibility.

But beyond Africa, why should the world care?

The woe of Congo seems too complex and intractable for outsiders to fix.  Congo matters mainly because its people deserve better.

Given the many challenges that lie ahead, we will highlight the issue and act to learn, to suggest, to discover the measures on how we not bring Congo go back to hell.

UNWTO(United Nation World Tourism Organization,世界旅游组织)

As one of the fastest-growing economic sectors in the world, tourism is increasingly recognized as a vital contributor to job and wealth creation, economic growth, environmental protection, and poverty alleviation. People traveling each year also produce pressures in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, cultural assets etc.

Just two years ago, the people, governments and private businesses of the world – came together under the United Nations with a shared vision to embark on a historic turning point. They committed to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change, laying the foundation for the betterment of people, the planet, prosperity and peace through partnerships by 2030.

Tourism’s role in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development becomes a shared responsibility and moves to the core of decision-making within the tourism sector.

WHO(World Health Organization,世界卫生组织)

Outbreaks of infectious diseases remind us that we don’t always come prepared when virus strikes. All around the world, there are significant gaps in nations’capacity to tackle public health crisis, which extends to threaten the global society.

In this committee, we will be exploring the elements of an effective system for responding to epidemics and ways to make it possible everywhere. We hope that your participation would make a real difference and save more lives.







校对:白佳佳 黄郑欣 张玉荷






